Project #1: LED-Stripes
Some weeks ago we built a glass-wall in the garden seperating the terrace form the driveway. I bought some 8 m LED-Stripes to lighten the satinated glass. It looks very nice. Unfortunately the first LED-Stripes i had were not that quality i needet. The soldering-pads did brake lose after bending the leeds to often. The second purchase was better quality and i ordered them pre soldered. So i ended up having 8 m LED-Stripes left over. These Stripes i glued to an 40x30cm plywood and soldered them together. This ended up in a 40x30 LED-Video.light with 384 LEDs. The Light is powered by a 10xAA battery pack and is pretty bright.
Project #2: Shapeoko 2
My plan building a CNC-Machine myself did not work out that good. I had all the ballbearings and rods but i found out that not having a CNC-Machine is a pretty showstopper building a CNC-Machine. So i bought a shapeoko 2 Mechanical kit. That way i was able to use my Steppers and my grbl-Arduino to a CNC-Machine with a work-area of 30x30x7cm. I am still in a learning-procedure, finding the right feedrates for my proxxon-mill combined with the materials and router bits. Unfortunately the freeware-tools like makercam are working but they do not always do what you want.
Shapeoko2 in action |
Progress is going further. I managed to improve the python-scripts for spheric panoramas and i also have added the possibility to interrupt the program. Also i have testet generating a new housing for the capishe better performance in spheric panorama-shots. Until now the bottom is very much covered by the housing. Now i moved the panning axis more to the front so the footprint is much smaller. Here is the first test for the new housing using 4mm plywood.